On Wednesday 18th October, there is a planned walk to school for parents and children for Scoil Chéile Chríost National School. It should be a great opportunity for parents and children to participate in a fun, novel and energetic (!) activity together. It is part of Walk on Wednesday. Children who travel to school on the bus play their part on a daily basis in reducing the number of cars on the road and to retaining the Green Flag. If they wish to walk to school their parents can choose to walk with them.
The walk will start from two different locations; Rathview housing estate and Eadestown Church car park. School buses will run as normal and those children will be dropped directly to the school. We are working with the Gardaí in Naas from a traffic management perspective, for the duration of the walk. However, it is important to remember that the road will remain open during the time of the walk.
Walkers will depart from each location at 08:30 (sharp) as there are school activities planned that morning. We would ask each parent to make sure that they themselves and the child walking with them have Hi-Viz jackets and that these are worn for the duration of the walk.
This is a great opportunity for children to walk to school with their parents in a safe and community focused way, and to appreciate the beautiful countryside we are blessed with ! We would ask parents parking at each start point to respect the property of others and ensure access to property is maintained and safety not compromised. The graveyard car park is also an option, but please factor in the extra walk time from there to the starting point.
This is a walk along a public, open road and must therefore be treated with due care and respect. We would ask all parents intending to walk with their children to ensure that they have discussed the dangers of walking on these roads and how important it is to listen to the adults on the walk. We would ask motorists to be mindful that there are a large number of children walking on the roadway and not to attempt to overtake or intermingle with the walkers for the 20 minutes that we anticipate the walk to last.
BOM Reps: Conor Flynn and Breda Carroll.