Upcoming dates …..
Thursday 26th November at 1pm: Naas Credit Union will return to school for School Savings Scheme for pupils from 2nd to 6th class. New application forms available from the office.
Wednesday 2nd December: Fair Trade Demonstration Day – the Greenschool Committee will give talk on fair trade products at the Community Coffee Morning in Rathmore Community Hall. The talk is to raise awareness of fair trade products and will go towards our 6th Green Flag.
Wednesday 8th December at 11.30am: Mass in school – all welcome.
Thursday 10th December: Christmas Fare in Rathmore Community Hall.
Monday 14th December from 10.15am: Junior Infants MMR Vaccinations.
Tuesday 22nd December at 12.30pm: School will close or Christmas Holidays.
Wednesday 6th January 2015: School reopens on for all pupils.
Wednesday 6th January at 11.30am: Mass in school – all welcome.
Thursday 11th February: First Confessions in Eadestown Church. (Time TBC).
Saturday 28th May: Annual Golf Scramble in Tulfarris Golf Club
Important Safety Notice
In the Interest of Safety for each and every child, we the Staff of Scoil Chéile Chríost Rathmore N.S. wish to draw your attention to the following:
Pupils travelling by car will enter the school playground via the garden entrance and line up in their relevant lines in the yard no earlier than 8.45am and no later than 9.00am in the mornings. Bus pupils will use the same entrance procedure to the yard. Supervision will be provided by the Principal/staff from 8.45am to 9.00am. Garden gate will be closed at 9.00am and children are to enter through the front door if late.
All children collected by car are asked to remain at the front plaza of the school until they are collected by parent/guardian. Parents/guardians are asked to walk up and collect their child.
Children are not allowed to walk down to the Car Park / Rathmore Community Hall on their own for collection.
If this is unsuccessful, children will be held in the PE hall until the parent/guardian collect them from the front PE hall door. We will monitor improvements and revert to the hall if necessary.
We would also ask that children are supervised in the car park at collection times until they are safely in your car, as cars/buses are driving /reversing etc and visibility can sometimes be poor due to weather conditions. We would also ask that children do not walk through the flower beds but use the footpaths provided, that they do not run across the roundabout, and that they do not swing/climb on the flag poles, gates or bollards.
If any parent/guardian is late for collection in the evenings, children should wait inside the front porch and inform their teacher or Principal when they are leaving. Where possible, parent/guardian should inform the school if they are delayed.
Our aim is to provide for the Health & Safety of your child/children in the evenings and we are asking for you co-operation in this matter.
Thank you
Robbie Jameson
Bus Details 2015-16
Details of bus routes and contact numbers for the companies and drivers can be found by clicking HERE or from the About Us menu above, under Transport.
Please note that this information is being provided for the convenience of parents and that the school has no responsibility for school buses.