Physical Activity 2024
Rathmore Marathon for 6th Class: It’s wonderful to see 6th class students participating in the Rathmore Marathon, where they chip away at the distance, lap by lap, day by day. This promotes not only physical activity but also goal-setting and perseverance, teaching them that big achievements come from steady, consistent effort. Before the year is out, they will have completed all 42.2km, that’s 42,200m.

Active Schools Walkway: Having a designated track that’s used regularly throughout the day, and for special events like the Rathmore Marathon, encourages a culture of activity in our school. Our Active School Walkway is where our Witch Walk takes place. Rathmore’s spooky Witch Walk is a well anticipated annual school event. The idea of having a seasonal, themed walk like the Witch Walk, where children come dressed up and enjoy physical activity before the school day, adds an element of fun to fitness. It also nurtures creativity and sustainability by encouraging kids to either make or reuse costumes. It’s great to see the collaboration with the Green Schools Committee in promoting environmental awareness along with physical health.
Sensory Circuits: Using sensory circuits in the PE hall is a brilliant way to support students in developing their gross motor skills. Sensory circuits provide structured activities that enhance coordination, balance, and overall physical awareness, which are critical for children’s motor development. This approach ensures that students with various needs can engage in activities that support their physical and sensory development in a controlled, safe environment.
Classroom Movement Breaks on Wet Days: Incorporating movement breaks in the classroom, especially on rainy days, is a great way to keep students active and attentive. Short bursts of physical activity are known to improve concentration, reduce restlessness, and re-energize children for learning, all while providing a safe space indoors.
Track Laps for Fresh Air: When it’s not raining, students take quick laps of the track throughout the school day to get fresh air and reset their focus. Whether they walk, jog, or sprint, the goal is achieved: movement, which refreshes both their bodies and minds.

Outdoor Learning and Fun: During Maths Week, we integrated physical activity with academic learning through the Maths Trail. Using different parts of the school environment, from the garden to the car park, students got to investigate how makes physical space can relate to their education. It made their learning hands-on, fun, and engaging. Students also enjoyed taking the iPads outside to take part in a fun Maths Scavenger Hunt.
Teacher Challenge: Indeed, there is no escape for anyone when it comes to getting off our chair and getting some air. Our teachers at Rathmore N.S were presented with a challenge during Maths Week, one they could not turn down! The Teacher Challenge, where students guessed how far their teachers could run in a minute, how many basketball hoops they could shoot and how many skips they could achieve was a fun initiative that also served as a wonderful example of role modelling for our young students. It promoted a collaborative atmosphere where both students and staff got involved, encouraging the idea that physical activity is for everyone, not just kids.
Active School Playground Leaders and Zones: Our playground leaders organise and facilitate Active Zones on Wednesdays and Fridays. This is a great way to encourage leadership and responsibility among older students and to promote our pupil voice. These leaders not only promote physical activity but also help younger students develop social skills like fair play and turn-taking, building a positive and inclusive playground culture. These designated times for structured activities give students something to look forward to, fostering a sense of community and routine. It’s a fantastic way to ensure all children are regularly active, and it promotes the idea of older students serving as positive role models.
Lunchtime & After School training: Rathmore NS is a school full of energy and team spirit! The dedication of both the teachers and students to sports and activities is truly commendable. Having teachers like Mr. O’Brien, Ms. Behan, Mr. Bolton, Mr. Walsh, Ms. Lancaster, Ms. Flynn, and Ms. Malone giving their time to coach and mentor various teams shows a strong commitment to fostering a love of sports and physical activity among the students. The children enjoy training during lunch and after school, meaning the football pitch and track are always in high demand. This kind of active participation is great for building teamwork, discipline, and a healthy lifestyle from a young age.
Physical Activity 2020-2023
In Rathmore N.S, our students have twice daily playground breaks, a welcome move from their classrooms. Our students take great advantage of running our 330m school track, which is located on the perimeter of the football pitch, adjacent to our school yard. Most students have run at least a marathon by the time the summer season is upon us. 5th class 2020/21 completed their own Rathmore Marathon by June 2021 by keeping track of every lap they ran until they reached 42.2km (26.2m miles) and this year’s 5th class (2021/22) have the same goal.
The running track is also our Active Schools WALKWAY and has been utilised even more during the global pandemic as teachers give their class a break from the classroom. This helps to keep our rooms ventilated AND our students active. Our Active Schools Walkway is also part of our annual Witch Walk and Santa Dash. In October 2021, we had our spooky Witch Walk around the track and school grounds and finished it with a whole school dance to ‘Time Warp’ in our Hallowe’en costumes. Before we knew it, Christmas was upon us and we had our Santa Dash around the track, before finishing off with some Christmas carol singing and a dance to ‘Jingle Bell Rock’ on the school yard. The Active Schools Walkway was particularly important during our Active Schools Week 2021 when we all walked the last leg in our ‘Power Walk to Paris’, a whole school fun event.
During the spring and summer months, students also get a chance to take turns having the football pitch as their playground zone. This is done on a rotational basis so that no one loses out. Whether it’s tag, handstands or making daisy chains, everyone is happy to have a new zone to play in.
Before the global pandemic led to school closures in March 2020, our track was worn down as classes took part in the Active Break Every Day and our Run a Day challenge. Luckily, we got those challenges completed before lockdown hit. Unfortunately, our trained Playground Leaders had to put away their bibs and equipment as our active zones closed in March 2020, along with the schools. Great fun was had by all students when our active zones were up and running. Bean bags, skipping ropes and hurdles were particularly popular with the students. As restrictions are once again lifting, we are hoping to reintroduce an active zone on our senior yard and see how things go!
We never let rain stop us from staying active! If we can’t go outside, we bring the fun and exercise inside to the classroom. On wet days every teacher allocates time for activities. The children get up and get involved with go noodle activities, chair yoga and dance routines!
Lunchtime Leagues – We run various lunchtime leagues throughout the school year in Hurling and Football. Teams are made up of boys and girls from different classes and matches are played during lunchtime.
Football Pitch – During the spring and summer months, students also get a chance to take turns having the football pitch as their playground zone. This is done on a rotational basis so that no one loses out. Whether it’s tag, handstands or making daisy chains, everyone is happy to have a new zone to play in.
Playground Leaders – pupils from 3rd-6th class can sign up to become a Playground Leader. They give up one lunch break per week to play games with the Junior and Senior Classes, ensuring they are active and happy throughout break time. To facilitate this, we have designated active areas in the yard using a variety of different equipment to encourage active play.
Active School Track – In Rathmore N.S, our students have twice daily playground breaks, a welcome move from their classrooms. Our students take great advantage of running our 330m school track, which is located on the perimeter of the football pitch, adjacent to our school yard. Most students have run at least a marathon by the time the summer season is upon us. 5th class 2020/21 completed their own Rathmore Marathon by June 2021 by keeping track of every lap they ran until they reached 42.2km (26.2m miles) and this year’s 5th class (2021/22) have the same goal.
Active School Walkway – The running track is also our Active Schools WALKWAY and has been utilised even more during the global pandemic as teachers give their class a break from the classroom. This helps to keep our rooms ventilated AND our students active. Our Active Schools Walkway is also part of our annual Witch Walk and Santa Dash. In October 2021, we had our spooky Witch Walk around the track and school grounds and finished it with a whole school dance to ‘Time Warp’ in our Hallowe’en costumes. Before we knew it, Christmas was upon us and we had our Santa Dash around the track, before finishing off with some Christmas carol singing and a dance to ‘Jingle Bell Rock’ on the school yard. The Active Schools Walkway was particularly important during our Active Schools Week 2021 when we all walked the last leg in our ‘Power Walk to Paris’, a whole school fun event.
Active Breaks – All classes take part in active breaks throughout the school day. This includes Go-Noodle, Bizzy Breaks and a variety of classroom movement ideas. On a wet day, if pupils cannot go outside at break time, extra time will be given to movement breaks in the classroom. All classes took part in out Active Break challenge in November. Each class had a chart to fill in and picked their type of activity each day.

Active Homework – Active homework is given every second Thursday to all students in the school. This can consist of 10 jumping jack to dancing to your favourite song.
60 minutes a day Physical Activity Challenge – Our senior classes will be beginning their 60 minute a day physical activity challenge in March. Stay tuned for activities and pictures.
Rathmore Marathon – 5th class are doing Rathmore Marathon. We are recording laps run until we reach 42.2km before the end of June.
Witch Walk – For Halloween the children and staff took part in our Spooky Witch Walk around the school, allowing the children to stretch their legs in their scary costumes.
Crazy Santa Dance – All classes learned a crazy Santa dance for the Christmas period and performed it for the whole school. It was a great success and the children loved it.
Active Breaks in Assembly – During assembly Mr Shaw, Mrs Malone, Mr Bolton and Mr Ryan hold our active breaks where children get onto their feet and practice some exercises. Of course the teachers join in too.

Céilí on yard – During Seachtain na Gaeilge the whole school make a huge effort to speak Gaeilge and to learn the An Dreolín dance and perform this at our Céilí on yard. This links in with our Dance strand the whole school are working on. Of course we practice first in the hall.