Teachers & Classes 2019/20
Junior Infants 1 ……………… Ms. Erika Roche
Junior Infants 2 ……………… Ms. Eleanor Roe
Senior Infants 1 (Ms. Roche) …… Mr. Cian Bolton
Senior Infants 2 (Ms. Kelly) …… Ms. Niamh Brady
1st Class 1 (Ms. Murphy) ………. Ms. Carole Mooney
1st Class 2 (Mr. Bolton) ………. Ms. Amy Gleeson
2nd Class 1 (Ms. Lancaster) ……. Ms. Caitriona Lancaster
2nd Class 2 (Ms. Mooney) ………. Mr. Shane Ryan
3rd Class ……………………. Ms. Kate Shaw
4th Class ……………………. Mr. Conor Cronin
5th Class ……………………. Ms. Aoife Malone
6th Class ……………………. Mr. Matthew Collier
SCHOOL YEAR 2019-2020
Principal ……………………. Ms. Lucy Travers
Deputy Principal …………….. Ms. Caitriona Lancaster
6th Class Graduation Mass
Dear Parents,
The 6th Class Graduation Mass will take place on Thursday 27th June at 11.30 am in the school. Refreshments will be served in Garden Room afterwards. All parents welcome.
Eadestown Funzone
Rathmore N.S. will be holding their summer camp again this year from:
Monday 1st to Friday 5th July 2019. There is a €20 deposit required per child.
€75.00 – 1st sibling €65.00 – 2nd sibling
€50.00 – 3rd sibling €40.00 – 4th sibling
Daily rate available @ €15.00 per day
To put your child’s name on the list forward your child’s name and deposit to the office. All forms to be returned to Mr. Walsh or Martina. Thank you.
Golf 2019
Golf 2019
We were very lucky with the weather on Friday 31st May in Naas Golf Club when sixteen teams took to the course to support Rathmore N.S.
It was great to see grandparents, parents, new parents, pupils, past pupils and their friends taking part and supporting our local school.
This day is very important to us as it is our main fundraiser for the school year. Many thanks to all who supported it in various ways, playing golf, sponsoring tee boxes, buying raffle tickets, sourcing prizes and making donations.
Robbie Jameson