Child Protection
In recent years, as a society, we have become very aware of the problem of child abuse through neglect, emotional, physical or sexual abuse.
Each one of us has a duty to protect children and Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2011) notes that teachers, who are the main care givers to children outside the family, are particularly well placed to observe and monitor children for signs of abuse.
In response to this, the Department of Education and Skills published Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools (2011) in relation to child protection and welfare. These procedures promote the safety and welfare of all children and are to be welcomed.
The Board of Management of Scoil Chéile Chríost, Rathmore N.S. has adopted these procedures as school policy. Consequently, if school staff suspect or are alerted to possible child abuse (neglect, emotional, physical and/or sexual abuse) they are obliged to refer this matter to Children and Family Services of the HSE. The HSE will then assess the situation and provide support for the child concerned. In our school the Designated Liaison Person for dealing with Child Protection is Mr. Robbie Jameson and the Deputy Designated Person Liaison is Ms. Erika Roche. Ms. Breda Carroll is the Board of Management representative for Child Protection.
Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children may be accessed on the website of the Department of Children and Youth Affairs ( and the Department of Education and Skills Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools can be read on the Department’s website ( Parents/Guardians are also welcome to look through the procedures and Child Protection Policy here at the school.
Robbie Jameson
Christmas Charity 2015
We had a Christmas Jumper Day/Non Uniform Day on Tuesday 22nd December and asked for a €1.00 donation from the children for charity, instead of gifts for teachers. The nominated charity was the Dyslexia Association of Ireland. (Naas/Newbridge Branch). A total of €430 was raised and all monies raised will go to the Naas/Newbridge DAI Branch
The Dyslexia Association of Ireland (DAI) has been working with and for people with dyslexia since 1972. As you are aware, research suggests 10% of our population is affected by some level of dyslexia. Its aims are to improve the provision of services for children and adults with related reading, writing and spelling difficulties. It has a national membership of 3,000 families and teachers.
The Naas/Newbridge Branch is affiliated to the DAI. The branch is run by a voluntary committee consisting of parents of children with dyslexia. The branch provides an information and support group for parents, and learning support for both primary and secondary school children with dyslexia.