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School Vision Statement

Scoil Chéile Chríost Rathmore N.S.

Vision Statement

We aim to nurture happy, confident children who are enthusiastic, independent and respectful.

We the teachers aim to work as an approachable team in a professional manner and thus create a supportive and secure environment.

We welcome parents into our school. We endeavour to make it a safe place where children will do their best, while being respectful towards their fellow pupils, teachers and others in the wider community. 

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Enrolment 2023/2024

The Enrolment process for the following school year 2023/2024 is open from January 6th 2023. Forms of Enquiry are available from the school office or can be Downloaded here

If you require any further information regarding the above please contact Lucy Travers (Principal) or Martina on 045 862145