Dear Parents/Guardians
As we continue with remote teaching and learning, I would like to thank you for your engagement with our Rathmore N.S. Remote Teaching and Learning Plan to date. The teachers are working very hard to facilitate the continuity of education and provide lessons and learning experiences for the children in their classes that are as engaging as possible.
The Board of Management recently carried out a Survey of Parents in the school to gather opinions and feedback in relation to their experiences of remote teaching and learning to inform their review of the current school policy. The results from this parental survey were very positive overall in relation to the methods of communication being used by the school. The majority of parents also favoured facilitating increased opportunities to maintain the connection between school and home and indicated that they would welcome some form of live interaction with their child’s teacher in addition to the current online platforms. It is evident that the children miss seeing each other and their class teachers and that live interactions would further support pupil wellbeing and social interaction.
Therefore, the Board of Management have now updated our current Remote Teaching and Learning Policy to facilitate the teachers in Rathmore N.S. to organise a regular check-in with the pupils in their class using the Zoom platform. As part of this change, there is also a need to ensure safety online for teachers and pupils and additional online safety protocols have been developed by the Board. These protocols are outlined below and will also be uploaded to the school website. The protocols should be read in conjunction with the Rathmore N.S. Acceptable Use Policy.
It is very important to note that any breach of the above guidelines will result in a discontinuation of this method of communication. A breach may also result in a person being immediately removed from a meeting or a meeting being immediately terminated.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Take Care and Stay Safe
Lucy Travers
Principal Teacher