As we are closing tomorrow Friday 26th March for our Easter holidays, I wish to advise you of the half-day collection arrangements that have been put in place to ensure adherence with Covid-19 social distancing measures.
We agreed staggered collection times for all class levels in the school which are listed below for your information.
- 12.05 Funbugs Collection
- 12:10 Junior Infants and their siblings
- 12:15 Senior Infants and their siblings
- 12:20 1st /2nd Classes & their siblings
- 12:30 Rest of school – 4th to 6th classes
Bus children: School buses will depart the school at 12:20.
Car children: Children collected by car are to be collected promptly at the
relevant collection times.
Note also that we have decided to send home the children’s schoolbooks on Thursday/Friday as a precautionary measure in case of a partial/full school closure after Easter. The books can remain in your child’s school bag and can be returned as normal when the school is scheduled to reopen after the Easter break on Monday 12th April.
If your child/children are absent from school today or will be absent tomorrow please email the office at to arrange collection of your child’s/children’s school books.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and safe Easter and are looking forward to welcoming everyone back on the 12th April.