I would like to bring the following points to your immediate attention as there have been a number of incidents pertaining to these below.
1. School starts at 9.00am so please ensure your children are lined up in the yard or in their classroom for that time. Latecomers interrupt the class teacher and the class as a whole.
2. Children (and parents dropping them off) should enter through the school garden in the morning and not via the front door.
3. Pupils are to be collected promptly each evening at home time
Junior & Senior Infants 1.45pm
1st to 6th Class 2.45pm
Unfortunately there have been a number of cases where this has not happened, children become upset and staff have to care for children in these cases.
4. If there is a change in pick up routine please notify us in your child’s homework diary. Ringing school and asking staff to pass messages on is not the agreed protocol, and is proving too hard to reliably manage. Naturally the school can be called in an emergency or when the unexpected happens.
5. Your child’s safety is our concern while they are in school. Help us to make school an enjoyable experience for them by keeping us up to date with changes in routine on a daily basis via the homework diary.
6. Phone calls from school – Children who forget training gear/swimming gear/information re play dates etc. will no longer be permitted to ring home during school so please ensure they understand this.
7. Pupils must have a note in their homework diary to explain absences (e.g. sickness/holidays etc) as we have to log this information on Department Returns for TUSLA. (Education Welfare Service)
8. Children who do not normally travel by bus may not do so, to travel to their friends’ houses for play dates etc. This is for insurance, health and safety, and capacity reasons amongst others. It can also lead to confusion over the whereabouts of a child. Please do not make private arrangements with bus drivers in this regard. Bus tickets are valid only for your child’s home/school/home route and no other bus routes.
9. If you need to speak to the Principal/class teacher about your child or on any matter, please make an appointment to ensure a time suitable for both parties. For urgent matters same day appointments can normally be arranged. Otherwise we would ask for 2-3 days’ notice where possible.
Thank you for taking the time to read through these points. These simple rules will help with the smooth running of the school and the safety of your child and all children while in our care.
Yours sincerely
Robbie Jameson