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Swimming Schedule

5th & 6th Classes                                                                                   6 Weeks
Ms. Roche, Ms. Meeneghan, Mr.Feen & Mr. Walsh

September: 14th, 21st, 28th
October: 5th, 12th, 19th


3rd & 4th Class                                                                                      6 Weeks

Ms. Shaw & Ms. Malone                                                                  

October:  26th
November: 9th, 16th, 23rd,
December:  7th, 14th


1st & 2nd Class                                                                                      6 Weeks

Ms. Mooney & Ms. Lancaster                                                            

December: 21st
January: 11th, 18th, 25th
February: 1st, 8th


Junior & Senior Infants                                                                    4 Weeks

Ms. Murphy, Ms. Larkin & Ms. Brady                                                        

February: 15th, 22nd
March: 1st, 8th

Opening of the School Year Mass

Massa for the opening of the School Year takes place on Wednesday 7th at 11.30am in the school.

All are welcome

School Re-Opening 2016/17

We look forward to welcoming our pupils for the new school year as the school re-opens for all pupils on WEDNESDAY 31st AUGUST 2016. Times as follows:

Junior Infants 9.15am to 12.15pm 
Senior Infants   9.00am to 1.45pm

1st to 6th Classes   9.00am to 2.45pm

Golf Raffle Prizes

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In conjunction with the Golf Scramble we are holding a raffle. If you do not play golf but still wish to help raise funds for the school maybe you would consider buying some raffle tickets for family, friends, neighbours etc. If you have any unwanted gifts that you would like to donate to the raffle please drop them into the school before Thursday 26th May. Raffle tickets are €5.00 each or a book of 5 is €20.00

Prizes include:

Fat Lamb McGreals Hamper
Three-Month Killashee GYM Membership Tiger Lily Hamper
Punchestown Racing Festival Pass Haynestown Meats BBQ Voucher
Family Pass to Irish National Stud Bottle of White Wine
First Aid Kit Bottle of John Power Irish Whiskey
Mobile Phone Security Bottle of Bushmills Whiskey
Laptop Messenger Bag Books from Scholastic Book Fairs
Tom’s Bikes Voucher Books from Book People
Plus many more

Please return all books of tickets sold or unsold to the school by Thursday 26th May, as any unsold books can be resold.

If you would like to sponsor a tee box contact Martina/Robbie or any committee member.

Ciaran O’ Connor 087 267 2667 Ger Brady 087 273 5555
Frank Brady 086 826 1805 James Grainger 087 210 2916
Edward Grainger 086 836 4865 Kier Grainger 087 258 7139
Paul Byrne 087 612 8178


Your continued support would be very much appreciated.

Sporting Fixtures 2016

This term we will be competing in the following GAA events.

  • Under 10 Boys Football
  • Under 13 Boys Football
  • Under 13 Girls Football
  • Under 13 Girls Camogie
  • Under 13 Boys Hurling

The majority of these games will take place during the school day but fixtures are dependent on the opposition school’s availability. We will endeavour to let you know of the dates and times asap.

We will require help in getting pupils to games.  If you can help it would be greatly appreciated.

Training dates are as follows, but may vary due to matches i.e. if pupils have a match on a day they will not train that day.

  • Mondays             U13 Girls Camogie                2.45pm to 3.45pm
  • Tuesdays            U13 Girls Football                 2.45pm to 3.45pm
  • Wednesdays      U13 Boys Football                 2.45pm to 3.45pm
  • Thursdays          U13 Boys Hurling                  2.45pm to 3.45pm

Boys under 10s Football training takes place at lunchtimes (12.30pm to 1.00pm) on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

NOTE:  Children are to have their full gear with them on training and match days

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Enrolment 2023/2024

The Enrolment process for the following school year 2023/2024 is open from January 6th 2023. Forms of Enquiry are available from the school office or can be Downloaded here

If you require any further information regarding the above please contact Lucy Travers (Principal) or Martina on 045 862145