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World Book Day 2023
World Book Day was celebrated in all classes across the school on Thursday 2nd March. The ‘Mr. Men’ books by author Roger Hargreaves provided the theme for all the teachers to dress up as one of the book characters!There were plenty of reading and literacy activities organised by the teachers for the children, such as designing World Book Day posters, quizzes, scavenger hunts in the library, extra library reading visits, class buddy reading activities and completing a World Book Day lap around the school track. It was wonderful to see all the children and staff dressing up as book characters.
This was a real collaborative team effort by all the staff and children in Rathmore N.S. and will certainly encourage an interest in books and reading among the children. Special thanks to teachers Ms. Lancaster, Ms. Parker, Ms. Hayden, Ms. Carpenter and Ms. Cox for co-ordinating World Book Day in Rathmore N.S.
Our School Library is looking its best at the moment, thanks to the combined efforts of our Parents Library Committee and the creative talents of our school children and staff. Special thanks also to Special Needs Assistants Nora Lawler for co-ordinating the new very attractive and child-friendly art displays on the walls and to Brenda Boylan and transition year student Muireann Coomey for their assistance with scanning and re-organising the books to best effect in the Library. Many hands make light work!