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Active Week 2021

For Active week 2021 we wanted to do something a bit different! Since we spent last years Active schools week in lockdown we wanted to do something that would bring the whole school together.  Ms Shaw and Ms Malone decided it was time to get the children involved and let them come up with our whole school initiate for Active schools week. The children in 4th class decided that our whole school activity would be to ‘Powerwalk to Paris’. The children worked out that every child in the school from juniors to 6th class needed to walk a kilometre everyday for one week in order to make it from Rathmore NS to the Eiffel Tower in Paris. To help the children understand how far they walked each day Ms Shaw used a ‘familiar face’ and moved them along on the map at the end of each day. This activity provided the whole school with lots of cross curricular learning. The older classes used this activity in their maths lessons to work out how many kilometres were left on our route to Paris. Some classes traced the journey from Rathmore to Paris and marked in all the famous landmarks that we passed on the way. Every morning two children spoke on our intercom to give us an updated report on where we were on our journey to Paris! This activity was a brilliant way to explore Europe and learn some capital cities as we tried to get to Paris before the end of the week! This was a new activity that we incorporated into our active schools week, it was such a success we will be asking the children for their ideas for Active schools week in 2022.

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Enrolment 2023/2024

The Enrolment process for the following school year 2023/2024 is open from January 6th 2023. Forms of Enquiry are available from the school office or can be Downloaded here

If you require any further information regarding the above please contact Lucy Travers (Principal) or Martina on 045 862145