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Yearly Archives: 2020

6th Class Proudly Present ‘6th Class TV’

Christmas at Rathmore NS

We had a fantastic Christmassy day in school on Friday. We had our whole school assembly where we sang our Christmas songs ‘Little Drummer Boy’ and ‘All I want for Christmas’. We also had our Santa Dash where all the students and teachers walked around the school grounds and got to see all the amazing Christmas Jumpers the children wore. Finally we had a very special visitor at our window, SANTA. They children were super excited and he dropped us in a few sweets to get us ready for his big visit on the 25th. A special thank you to Ms Gleeson for organising all of the music.

Newsletter December 2020

Annual Admission Notice 2021

Confirmation 2020

Congratulations to all the pupils in last year’s Mr. Collier’s Sixth Class who received the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Eadestown, in three separate ceremonies on Saturday 5th December, while adhering to public health requirements regarding social distancing and sanitising protocols. Special thanks to Fr. Comer, to Deirdre Comer, organist and to Katie Harney and her mother Áine for the beautiful singing and guitar accompaniment.

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Enrolment 2023/2024

The Enrolment process for the following school year 2023/2024 is open from January 6th 2023. Forms of Enquiry are available from the school office or can be Downloaded here

If you require any further information regarding the above please contact Lucy Travers (Principal) or Martina on 045 862145