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Yearly Archives: 2019

Christmas Greetings

As another year draws to a close, we remember family members and members of our school community who have passed away during the year and those who are sick or in hospital.

It is a team effort in Scoil Chéile Chríost Rathmore N.S. and I want to acknowledge all our teaching staff, our special needs assistants, Martina our school secretary and Paul our school caretaker for all their hard work throughout the year. I also wish to thank the many parents and volunteers who help with school activities. Your support is very much appreciated.

May I take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very happy and peaceful Christmas and good health in 2020.  Nollaig shona dhaoibh go léir!                                               

Lucy Travers                                                 Principal Teacher


Christmas Fair

Dear Parents/Guardians                                                                                

The annual Christmas Fair will take place on Thursday 12th December in Rathmore Community Hall. This highly anticipated event is the culmination of much planning, school practices and preparation by members of the Parents Association chaired by Sandra Courtney and all the teachers in Rathmore N.S. who have been rehearsing with the children in their classes and putting the finishing touches to their performances on stage.

Special thanks to parent and board member Conor Flynn for organising the music and lighting production which is always very professional.

Thanks also to you the parents/guardians who support this fundraising event in such numbers each year. We look forward to welcoming you all on the day and guarantee that you will be fully entertained. Please remember to exercise caution when entering and exiting the car parks and use the designated car parking areas only. Please note that while parents/guardians are permitted to take photographs of their children for their own private use, under Data Protection legislation they shouldn’t share images of other children in a public forum i.e. on social media platforms. All the class performances will be recorded by a member of the Parents Association.

Christmas Fair 2019

Our Christmas Fair will take place in Rathmore Hall on Thursday 12th December. The class performances are as follows.

10.00 am / 10.20 am4th ClassMr. Cronin
10.20 am / 10.40 am3rd ClassMs. Shaw
10.40 am / 11.00 am2nd ClassMs. Lancaster & Mr. Ryan
11.30 am / 11.50 am5th ClassMs. Malone
11.50 am / 12.20 pm1st ClassMs.  Mooney & Ms. Gleeson
1.10 pm / 1.30 pmJunior InfantsMs. Roche & Ms. Roe
1.30 pm / 1.50 pmSenior Infants Mr. Bolton & Ms. Brady
1.50 pm / 2.10 pm6th ClassMr. Collier

School Photos

Staff 2019-2020
Full School 2019-2020

News Feed

Enrolment 2023/2024

The Enrolment process for the following school year 2023/2024 is open from January 6th 2023. Forms of Enquiry are available from the school office or can be Downloaded here

If you require any further information regarding the above please contact Lucy Travers (Principal) or Martina on 045 862145