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Yearly Archives: 2015

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School Calendar 2015-16

The school calendar for 2015-16 has been agreed by the Staff and Board of Management and is viewable online on the School Calendar page. It is also available for download here: Calendar 2015-16.

Green Schools News

Well done to all the children who participated in the National Walk on Wednesday Day. To mark the day we walked two laps of the pitch when we came in to school this morning. We had lots of fun celebrating the day!

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We are actively promoting Biodiversity in our school and Kildare Biodiversity Week has been organised to further develop people’s awareness of biodiversity in the area. It is running from Saturday 16th May to Saturday 24th May. There are lots of free events around the county for you to attend. Please click on the link for further details: BioDiversity Week 2015

Relationships & Sexuality (RSE) Programme

As part of the R.S.E. Policy of Scoil Cheile Chriost Rathmore N.S. we have booked facilitators from “Accord” to present this programme to our 5th & 6th Class pupils.

General information for parents is available at RSE Programme Overview.  The specific programme for 5th Class can be found by clicking RSE for 5th Class and for 6th Class by clicking here RSE for 6th Class.

This year trained facilitators will attend on Wednesday 20th May from 9.30am to 1.00pm. A parental consent form can be downloaded by clicking RSE Consent 2015


School Self-Evaluation Questionnaire for Parents

As part of the School Self Evaluation Initiative we are undertaking a self-evaluation of the teaching and learning of English in our school. To help us in that evaluation, we would be very grateful for your views and opinions on the matters by completely a questionniare that we will be distributing to all parents via email. The questionnaire should take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete. We would be very grateful if you would complete this questionnaire. Please note that you may complete the questionnaire anonymously and that all individual responses will be treated confidentially. The questionnaire can be completed online or by hardcopy (available from school office).

We thank you for taking the time to assist in continuing to raise the standards of teaching and learning in our school.

Arrangements for First Communion

1. Mass is at 11am on Saturday 16th May.

2. Children are to be seated in the church at 10.45am. Communion pupils will be seated with their parents in designated pews around the altar. The seating plan is available HERE

3. The Choir are to be seated in the church at this time also (10.45am)

4. There will be limited seating for siblings and extended family as shown on the seating plan.

5. Additional seating will be provided in oratory and meeting room areas however, please be considerate as seating is limited and we have 28 pupils receiving First Holy Communion.

6. Please bring their Baptismal Candle.
Yours sincerely,

Robbie Jameson Erika Roche
Principal 2nd Class Teacher

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Enrolment 2023/2024

The Enrolment process for the following school year 2023/2024 is open from January 6th 2023. Forms of Enquiry are available from the school office or can be Downloaded here

If you require any further information regarding the above please contact Lucy Travers (Principal) or Martina on 045 862145

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