Enrolment 2015
A 2015 Form of Enquiry for pupils wishing to enroll in the school is available by clicking HERE
Eadestown Funzone
6th – 10th July 2015 (9:30am to 2:30pm daily)
Contact school office on 045 862145 for further details
Golf Teams 2015
Thank you to everyone who took part in this year’s Golf Outing to Tulfarris.
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Incoming Jr Infants 2015-16
There will be a meeting for parents of the incoming Junior Infants on Tuesday June 9th at 7.30pm in Rathmore School. We will have two small Junior Infants classes for the 2015/2016 school year. If you know of any parents seeking to enroll their child for the 2015/2016 school year we still have spaces available. Enquiry form available by clicking HERE.
Communion 2015
Congratulations to the boys and girls of 2nd class who made their First Holy Communion last Saturday, 16th May.
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