As a result of the Education (Admissions to School) Act 2018 which has been enacted and now applies to school admissions from September 2021 in all primary schools, our School Admission Policy has been ratified to incorporate these changes and is available to view on our school website at It is very important to note the dates which are applicable for admission to Junior Infants Classes for the 2022/2023 school year.
The school began accepting completed Application Forms for Junior Infants 2022/23 on 6th January 2022 and will close on 7th February, 2022.
Failure to accept an offer, or to return a completed Application Form to the school, within the prescribed period outlined on the Admission Notice may result in the offer being withdrawn.
Please contact Martina, our School Secretary in the school office on TEL: 045-862145 or by email on for an Application Form or it can also be downloaded from the school website HERE