The school is not visible from the road.
It is located at the rear of Rathmore Community Hall and next door to Funbugs Childcare.
From Dublin (N7 South)
Leave the N7 at Junction 999 for Kilteel, and turn right.
At the mini-roundabout, take the first exit (left).
At next mini-roundabout, take the second exit (right)
Keep left at the entrance to Arthurstown Landfill
Take the first left (to Rathmore)
The school is approxinately 3.5km up this road
From Naas (R410 Blessington Road)
Leave Naas on the Blessington Road (R410)
Continue on this road until Eadestown Church (the road bears to the right)
Keep left and head down the hill
The school is approximately 500m from Eadestown church.